AFYMP Trains AAPOLY Journalists On Safe Practices

Union of Campus Journalists, Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic
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By Caleb Ijioma

To foster effective journalism practice, the African Foundation For Young Media Professionals (AFYMP), on Wednesday, 24th January, trained campus journalists under the Union Of Campus Journalists, Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic (UCJAAPOLY) on safety practices, a skill needed to help them survive the terrain of journalism. 

The training which was held for 25 campus journalists at the Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic (AAPOLY) annex campus, Abusi Edumare, exposed them to safety guides in journalism and how to thrive in challenging moments.

According to the executive director of AFYMP, Yinka Olaito, Journalists at different levels must understand the risks associated with their profession and must therefore pay attention to safety issues that may lead to their untimely demise.

“ Journalists at different levels must understand the risks associated with their profession. One has to be alive to tell the story. Journalists must therefore pay attention to safety issues that may lead to their untimely demise. As early as possible, Journalists must know basic safety issues if they are going to stay long in the profession. 

“ Knowing this, AFYMP has taken it upon itself to expose early and young media professionals to these basic truths hence the need to organize this for UCJAAPOLY.  We hope the knowledge gained will help participants to be safety conscious ” he posited. 

Campus journalists who attended the training expressed satisfaction and tagged it as mind-blowing.

Ogunleye Mutiat said the training exposed her to the reality of the profession and the risks attached to it.

“ The training is very important and I gained a lot from it. The training made me understand the dangers involved in journalism as well as the advantages. It has also helped me become a better writer and sharpened my clarity as a budding journalist.” she said.


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