How You Can Make Money With Your Smartphone As A Student

Union of Campus Journalists, Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic
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By Adesina Eniola

As a student, you can start a business online to make money. There are tools, websites, or mobile applications that can help. Here, we are going to look at the best way to earn money with your smartphone as a student. 

1) You can learn a skill online: You can make money as a student by offering your skills as a job and getting paid. There are many skills you can learn online some include: Copywriting and freelancing.


Freelancing: You can earn a decent and legit money from freelancing. If you can write articles, design websites, develop apps, and so on. You will surely make it with your smartphone through this. 

Copywriting: This refers to writing persuasive marketing and promotional materials that encourage people to take some steps such as making a purchase, clicking on a link, or scheduling a consultation. 

2) Establishing a soap business online: All you have to do to make this plan work is to reach out to a supplier that does white labeling, set up a Facebook or Instagram business page, and promote your soap business. Today, many people are taking care of their skin and requiring quality products to improve their health and beautify their skin. You can tap into the skincare market with skin cleansing soap, moisturizers, and fade bars.

3) Selling your data: This is one of the ideal ways to make money from your phone without having to do any extra work. You will have to save some amount of money for a start, to get data on your phone before proceeding to sell to other people and earning a living for yourself. Most internet users in Nigeria use data to browse and use the internet. Data is a hot product that you can sell on and on again to the same set of people. 

In my next edition, I'll delve into the specifics of how to initiate any of these processes. See you.


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