AAPOLY DECIDES 2020: Our stand

Union of Campus Journalists, Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic
By -
Ucjaapoly Editorial, 28-1-2020

 In few days from now, another election will hold and the fate of thousands of students would be decided. According to the management, the manifesto will hold on Thursday and the election will hold a day after.

 However, the reaction of the students towards participating in this election have been a bothering issue.

 Many students are of the opinion that votes doesn't count. Thus, they poison fresh minds, making them believe that election doesn't reflect the desire of the students at large.

 By embracing political apathy, there is a 101% chance of the wrong person to emerge. Ignorance is power, unknowingly to you, if you don't vote, you're voting ignorantly.

 Will it add to my scores? some parts of the students will say. While some will see the election day as lecture free day and stay back home to rest.

Higher institution is sometimes defined as a foundation that teaches how to live in the real world. Base on the norms, vote is supposed to be a right that requires neither reward nor gratitude.

However, they bear stigma. Students shouldn't allow colleagues' interest affect them. A vote can avoid the emergence of the wrong candidate.

Apparently there are many viral reports on media on how students has miserably imitate actions of their fellow students and turn victims of heinous crimes such as: rape, robbery, violence, accidents, drug abuse.

 Howbeit, students should understand that no super delegate has ever decided the winner for any election on campus as far as AAPoly is concerned. ,

Perhaps you don't like either of the candidates;this shouldn't hinder you from exercising your right to vote.

The fact remains only one person will emerge, take actions and make decisions that will affect you for 12months.

 Some are constituting nuisance and building strong enimity by booing others' candidates. The electoral period is not the end of life and elections should not create enimity among students. It might attract lost of studentship and build enemies hereafter.

 Do you know a vote can decide a smooth run of academics for every student? As well as a vote can cause a sloppy programme for students. Hence, vote for a better candidate to affect the students and the polytechnic positively.

 Students are not expected to use electoral violence as excuse because the institution have recorded series of peaceful elections.

 The management have done so well to provide Maximum security during election periods and students who have breached the school security have always walked away with regrets.

 UCJAAPOLY as an independent journalism body in Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic is not politically influenced. Thus, we are not supporting any candidate, for it is against the ethics guiding journalism practices.

 It is pertinent to know that any student leader or candidate who intends to display any form of violence is against the growth of the institution and do so at his/her own detriment.

  •  Student are expected to come out in mass and vote because they alone can determine the outcome of the election. It is their right to vote and they should make use of the right judiciously. They should also cultivate the habit of voting without violence as the peace and unity of the institution lies in our hand.

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