Aapoly student writes to SUG president Elect, says he shouldn't forget his promises

Union of Campus Journalists, Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic
By -
Babatunde Hannah

Congratulations to the newly elected SUG executives and special greetings to the newly elected President, Comrade Gbadamosi Azeez Olan
iyi (AZ). Attaining the position of SUG president comes with lots of responsibilities.

The students trust you enough to cast their votes for you. They are looking up to you to bring a positive change to the institution.

As the Union President, you are expected to do your best as promised. During the campaign, you called your team the 'Infallible team;' the team that knows what it is supposed to do when necessary.

The students hope that now that you are elected, you would know what you are supposed to do when necessary and  at the right time.

However, the students hope you do not forget all your promises. We understand the fact that you cannot solve all the problems faced by the students but we hope that you would be able to solve the problems that are relevant and needed as at when due.

In addition, the need to rebrand the 'Operation Keep AAPOLY Clean' should not be forgotten. Provision of adequate transportation for students living near and far the school (epecially Oru residents) and also for students in the main campus and abusi annex should be attended to.

Provision of toilet in the school should be taken serious too.

 A leader should take up his responsibility and do what is right always, doing away with excuses, as the popular saying goes "No Excuse For Failure."

We pray you would not fail in your responsibilities as the Stdent Union President and you will fulfill all your promises. Congratulations once again.

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