Yahoo boys: The modern ritualist

Union of Campus Journalists, Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic
By -
Abolade Bolatito

It's disheartening that the youths of today have gone beyond expectation. The love of fame and money has led many to the act of kidnapping, robbery and mostly internet fraud.

Unfortunately the youths that engage in internet fraud popular called Yahoo boys are not just into it but also into Yahoo plus, the modern Yahoo with ritual.

These days the initates of this crime sees nothing wrong in outright killing for ritual purposes, many uses their loved ones for ritual all in the name of Yahoo.

Recently, these yahoo boys had upgrade to using female underwear, such as Pants for their abominable act. This has gone to the level of "your pants or your life," and benz are increasing while the feminine gender is decreasing.

These so called yahoo boys had found joy in destroying people's destiny, just for them to earn money. Whereas, this money are not used for something beneficial, they spend it on expensive phones, car, and in bars.

Many young girls has fallen victim of these so called yahoo boys, they get enticed with the way these guys spend on them, not knowing it's a way to use them for their sacrifice.

Although not only prostitute fall victim of these people, decent and virtuose lady also fall in this pit.

In a case, where these yahoo boys bump into a supermarket or female hostel and forcefully collect ladies pant at gun point.

What do you think of a lady, who shun the act of prostitution and waywardness and decide to preserve herself, falling victim of such crime. With her holy and preserved life, she is still being used by these yahoo boys.

what is the fate of such person, when her destiny has been truncated because of the selfish act of this so called yahoo boys.

Our youth of today, who can easily enrol in one vocational training to build their future, but because of their laziness and love of money, they have chose to make other people cry, destroy lives, just for them to have cash at hand.

When you fail to plan, you plan to fail, this is the time they should use in building their future, to earn money which will last longer and in which they can survive.

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